Living*Poetry Garden

A garden of thought, dedicated to redefining the human condition. Change your life, change the world. - Magic*Happens

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Location: Whidbey Island, WA

I'm a simple carpenter, after 20 years in the Alaskan Bush, i trust one*thing, Change is Inevitable. Check*Out my other blogs and please visit my web site.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


To the ego ridden, pumped up, phony, glitzy and gilded life style adored and worshiped by animatronic one trick media Barkers, Bobbing their cut, carved and surgically altered, plastic corporate heads to the tune of what's behind door number 3.

To the self righteous, moral, upright viagra sucking limp pricks.

To the smoke filled tacky rooms and blackened skies of the fossil burning, unchanging dinosaur, pea brain mentality.

To arms, to pageant queens,to the phony magic kingdom, cartoon fantasy, greedy vegas pharaohs, who worship themselves and each other with a parade of award shows and holidays befitting the class, style and imagination of a biker build off trophy.

To the robed and suited in armor and armani, lurking behind closed doors, inside cloistered temples, using and abusing every child within the pathetic, desperate reach of the dirty constructed and perverted halls of denial, while plotting and planning their own eminent demise, touting the false virtues of a system so riddled with holy decay, that its stench envelopes the planet with the cheesy air waves of its own putrid consumption.

To both the religious, the right, the left, the GOD damned lazy ass self center, for in THE END which they so much desire and build toward, we the MEEK, the compassionate of heart, the vital and healthy of spirit, the strong of desire and faith, the people, the POETS who all*ways lift their proud heads and helping hands from the clouds and dust of the shattered remains, will usher forth an age built upon the crumbled decay of hate and fear, which lies beneath the dead surface of this current wasted reality.

To all who ignore TRUTH.

©Bruce Larson*Moore of Poetic*Service


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