Living*Poetry Garden

A garden of thought, dedicated to redefining the human condition. Change your life, change the world. - Magic*Happens

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Location: Whidbey Island, WA

I'm a simple carpenter, after 20 years in the Alaskan Bush, i trust one*thing, Change is Inevitable. Check*Out my other blogs and please visit my web site.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


(A Christmas Reality Check)

The truth is: More money and resources are invested in building, maintaining and filling rented storage units than is expended on providing affordable housing.

The truth is: More charity dollars and resources are invested in college sports, museums, opera houses and entertainment events for the elite than is on homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and social programs, throughout the globe.

The truth is: More is spent on holiday dinners, party events, junk food and eating out, than is given to global hunger efforts worldwide.

The truth is: The addiction to shopping, over eating, drinking, drugs, violence and fear is supported by more media and corporate dollars per week, than it costs to feed and house the entire worlds population per year.

The truth is: In less than 200 years democracy and its corporate master has plundered, stolen, raped the planet, murdered and oppressed more people with it’s economic power and social policies than have all the efforts of other conquering nations throughout history combined.

The truth is: *Balance = Happiness
Excess = Misery

The purpose of life is Happiness.
The path to happiness is balance.

The direction and management of life’s purpose is choice.

The truth is: You have the power and knowledge to change - today.

The question is:


Balance the One, to Balance the Billions.

©Bruce Larson*Moore

* * *
Please Santa, Please,

Dear Mr. Claus,

Every year i meet ya on the street, bell ring-in near the overpass,
where i sleep,

Stand-in by yor pail, feed the homeless ya wail,

Please Santa, Please, find a shelter bed for me this Christmas dae, "you's" won't forget my twelfth birthdae,

Pretty bows, on box's all aglow, stare back from the shop windows,

Walk-in by the fancy ladies, shop-in bags filled for their babies,

Please Santa, Please, a hot meal, some turkey for me this Christmas dae, "you's" won't forget my twelfth birthdae,

Every store strung with holidae things, all the people happy, smile-in on their spend-in flings,

Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men, distant thoughts,
dance-in on the wind,
Please Santa, Please, just a piece of cheese, for me this Christmas dae, "you's" won't forget my twelfth birthdae,

Wander-in all dae long, last year's shoes hang-in on,

Stop-in near the barrel fire, old men eye-in the little ones with desire,

Please Santa Please, make the dreams good for me this Christmas dae, "you's" won't forget my twelfth birthdae,

Ly-in on my cardboard, try-in to remember how to weep, headlights and sirens sing-in me to sleep,

Some where i know kids play in the snow, wonder how it feels,
to play for real,

Please Santa, Please, if i wake up, this Christmas dae, please Santa wish me another for my thirteenth birthdae,

Thanks Mr. Claus, see ya next year, cause i got nowhere to go but here.

©Bruce Larson*Moore
Tok, AK

The Truth is: Compassion is the foundation of the natural divine reality.


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