In 1492 an occupation force set sail, looking for someone to screw,
Under the propaganda guise of explores seeking a land for the free, taking whatever their courts deemed necessary,
Kings in black robes with laws, wielding the power of life and death, High Priest to oppress the masses, in pew after pew, Robber Barons to enslave the people, and fatten them for the slaughter,
In 1492 an occupation force came looking for a place to raise their sheep, to fleece again and again until everything bleeds for the illusion of peace, freedom and security,
Big Oil, Big Government, Big Tobacco, Big Sugar, Big Real Estate, Big Religion, Big Alcohol, Big Agriculture, Big Science, Big Chemical, Big Drug, Big Health, Big Fashion, Big Image, Big Wealth, Big Lies, Big Denial, Big Fear,
(The Realm of Eminent Domain)
United Suites of America
L.ife I.ndulging E.vil S.adistically
©Bruce Larson*Moore
Love*Rulz (Available on DVD ;)