Living*Poetry Garden

A garden of thought, dedicated to redefining the human condition. Change your life, change the world. - Magic*Happens

My Photo
Location: Whidbey Island, WA

I'm a simple carpenter, after 20 years in the Alaskan Bush, i trust one*thing, Change is Inevitable. Check*Out my other blogs and please visit my web site.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Blame not the powers you do not fully understand, prepare and build for the situations you know have and will come again, building with dead sticks cut from the living beings who make the air you breath, when the living energy and strength of stone and earth lies in abundance at your feet is not vision it is insanity, preparing for the fantasy of destruction and the death of millions, by the means of war, political and economic starvation while ignoring the reality of storms and the change to come is not vision it is insanity,

You have the power and knowledge to change, you have the free will to do so, yet you persist in doing the same thing the same way, while expecting different results, that is insane.

You have the vision to change, all that is required is to follow the quest.

©Bruce Larson*Moore

Saturday, August 20, 2005


“Pity those who see the world for what it is,
instead of seeing it for what it could be.”

The meek shall inherit the earth, yet they WILL*NOT be meek in body, spirit, moral character, heart nor soul, they will stand meek before nature, cradle her life within the gentle hands of the gardener, raise her beauty and grace from the ash left by those who were weak with hate and fear, they will raise the raped, soiled and plundered earth into a giving Eden which all creatures great and small, meek and powerful will share together, yes the meek shall inherit this world and it shall be free of the limited ideals of conquering, oppression and fear.

This is the boundless promise of truth.

©Bruce Larson*Moore

Love*Rulz - (Available on DVD:)

* * *
The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

lyric by Joe Darion

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


(Write it down & Read it back)

Define - The*Box.
Define - Thinking outside the box.

Define - “THEM”
Define - “US”

While looking in the mirror, read back what you’ve written.

Seriously, ask yourself if you would want the person in the mirror judging the merit of your life.

Make PEACE with the one in the mirror.

Just thinking about it will not create peace in your life or anywhere else, you must do it, take the action and verbalize the results. Otherwise your cheating yourself and those you love, out of the power you hold to create peace.

Love*Rulz - (Available on DVD:)

©Bruce Larson*Moore
Of Poetic*Service

Friday, August 12, 2005


364 days a year we’re sold crime, corruption, greed, fire, flood, sex drugs, rock & roll, jazz, blues, gospel, pop, addiction, fraud, fantasy, lies, religion, politics, patriotism, success, shop till you drop credit, insurance policies, 30 year loans, corporate slavery, fast food super size me life styles, competition, war and every form of distraction the media, government and wall street can conjure up.

Then for one day, like some kind of sick vacation we’re told of a distant dream called PEACE, after which your promptly tucked back into the tainted and stained folds of pursuing The American Dream of endless worlds to plunder, rape, conquer and save.

364 days of FEAR

One day of HOPE
September 21st, International Day of Peace

Shift your life into the New*Reality,

364 days of P.E.A.C.E.
P.eople E.verywhere A.lways C.aring for E.verything
Embracing love, compassion and truth.

One day of celebrating the defeat of F.E.A.R.
F.undamental E.vil A.lways R.ecurring

©Bruce Larson*Moore

Monday, August 08, 2005

? Paper or Plastic ?

That is the Question.

Identify yourself, as all eyes and ears are focused on the exterior you, standing at the head of the line at that split second everyone else's forward progress comes to a grinding halt.

Every decision you’ve ever made, every action you’ve ever taken will now be labeled, categorized, filed and boxed by complete strangers, who’s penetrating eyes and select opinions now hold your life in the balance of judgment.
Save a tree, choke a fish, the responsibility and weight of the planet, of civilization now sits upon your shoulders, with more bags piled and stuffed into you little bag nook at home than you’ll ever need for the rest of you life, the reality hits you smack in the face,

You don't need or want either.

But in a world where Image is everything, where packaging life is over the top, where your asked a thousand times a day to decide the course of global corporate affairs, it’s not that simple,

Is It ?
Parer or Plastic ?
Red or Blue ?

Or is it that simple ?

Dam I forgot my canvas bag !

So while handing over half a C-Note per bag full of goodies, as the guilt floods over me, deep down inside I’ve let the eye’s, opinions and thoughts of others control my actions.
I’ve given my power to “Them”, because your strange if you pull three canvas bags out of the one your carrying, you crazy to spend twenty bucks on bags one time, when you can continue to pay the cost over time,


Your a little Odd if you actually take time to make a difference, and the Irony of it all is,

Isn't that what each of us really wants to do,

Make a Difference.

Paper - Plastic - or - Canvas ?

Lets change the Question, in order to change the solution.

©Bruce Larson*Moore